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Placing Your Order

Placing Your Order

When you are ready to complete your order, you can go to your cart to review the titles you’ve chosen. You can edit your cart or save a title for later.

Enter the desired shipping address. Depending on your location and how your free and review number has been set up, you may be able to ship to the US, Canada, or other locations.


Purchase Order: The PO number in the cart defaults to a number that is based on the current day/time. You can overwrite this with a mix of your own numbers and letters; special characters are not allowed. It may be convenient to include the last name of the person you’re shipping to.

Invoice Description: The contents of this field will show up on Comp Copy as “Special Instructions” on your Orders. PRH Customer Service will also be able to view it. However, this is for your reference only; if you have a specific instruction or request that the warehouse needs to see, contact Customer Service.

Bill of Lading: For any delivery instructions for the carrier. For international orders, you must list the recipient’s name and phone number in the bill of lading (“BOL”) text.

Carton Markings: These print on the shipping label, not the actual carton.

If the order hasn’t been processed and is still in open status or backordered, you can edit or cancel the order. Click here to see a list of order statuses.

Confirmation & Tracking

After you place your order, you’ll receive an order confirmation email. Once your order has shipped, you can find tracking details in your Order Detail within Comp Copy.

To log out, click on the account button and sign out.

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Email Customer Service

Reach out to customer service at any time via the below email address:

Call Customer Service

For any inquiries regarding availability, orders, or accounts, you can contact Customer Service at:
